Objects - Objects represent entities such as data
files, programs, devices, folders, and templates that the Workplace
Shell uses and manipulates. Objects are defined by three
characteristics - name, class, and location. Several types of objects
are discussed below:
- Template Objects - Use template objects to create
new, similar objects. New objects will have the same settings and
contents as the template used. Objects can also be created from the
Command Line Interface, but using templates makes the task simpler.
- Device Objects - Device objects represent disk
drives, printers, the shredder, and other similar devices.
- Folder Objects - Folder objects hold other objects
such as data files, programs, devices, templates, and even other
folders. The default desktop displayed by the Workplace Shell is a
special type of folder object.
- Program Objects - Program objects execute
associated programs when opened.
- Shadow Objects - A shadow object represents the
original object and its contents.