Returning to your Pre-Installation Desktop

If you wish to return your desktop to its pre-installation condition, you can use the WPS Image Backup Facility if you allowed this component to save an image of your desktop before you installed DeskMan/2. If you did not use this facility, follow the instructions in the section titled Removing DeskMan/2 Components.

This was only a limited backup, and only stored Workplace Shell information saved on your boot drive. Restoring your desktop to its pre-installation condition using this method will not restore objects saved on other disk drives.

To restore your system to its pre-installation configuration:

  1. Open an OS/2 Command Line window.
  2. Change to the installation directory.
  3. Type:

    where nn is the number associated with the oldest backup file. The file name for the most recent backup will not include the Gnn extension.

  4. Press <Enter>.