Browser Cannot Run Applet
If you cannot load the SiteSurfer applet in a web browser, please consult
the following checklist:
- Does your browser support Java 1.1? This version of Java is sufficiently
supported in Netscape Navigator or Communicator 4.0 and higher
*, Microsoft Internet
Explorer 4.0 or higher, and Sun HotJava Browser 1.1 and higher. If your browser
does not have acceptable Java support, any of these browsers may be freely
downloaded and used. Please see Where to Get Java
for download locations and instructions.
- Is Java support in your browser turned on? In Microsoft Internet Explorer
4.0, users may enable or disable Java using the Security tab
of the Internet Options configuration dialog (View: Internet Options...).
In Netscape Navigator 4.0, users may enable or disable Java and JavaScript using
the Advanced page of the Preferences configuration
dialog (Edit: Preferences...).
- Does the applet load partially, and then display a message in its client area?
If so, does it match any of the following messages?
- Connection error. This may indicate that one or both
of the INDEX1.JAR and INDEX2.JAR files were not found. Normally, these files
should be in the same directory as the HTML page that launches the applet. Their
location may also be customized using the INDEXLOCATION
applet tag.
- Bad CRC in data. One or both of the INDEX1.JAR or INDEX2.JAR
files is probably corrupted. There may have been a connection error when
these files were copied to the web site, or when the browser transfered
them from the web site.
- No views loaded. This may indicate that their is no
data in the index worth displaying. Please verify that when you index this
site you enable at least one presentation option--site map
or site index--or select at least one field to index
(e.g., Text, Title, Size, etc.).
- Applet out of memory. The web browser has not allocated enough
memory to the Java Virtual Machine to run the applet. If you are running more
than one applet at the same time, try closing one before running SiteSurfer.
- Index May Not be Moved Off-Site. This indicates that the
index files have been generated so they will load properly only when
retrieved from a specific host computer. This option is usually disabled, and
may only be enabled using an undocumented flag in SiteSurfer Builder.